Adding Google Analytics to your website

We already have Google Analytics (GA) installed on your tournament website to track aggregate data for TourneyCentral. The GA specifications are such that more than one GA code on a page is not officially supported by GA. There have been some hacks around this, we are aware of them and understand that they may work in some instances. However, they rely on very old code (2008 or so) and we prefer to keep current with any third-party tools

We have the Tournament PulsePoint which gives you some site specifics like traffic, unique visitors, etc. That is our official site tracking solution and we keep adding to it as the needs of tournaments change. if you would like to see something we don’t have, holler and we’ll consider adding.

If and when GA officially supports multiple GA codes on the same page, we will eagerly re-write our software to support this feature as GA gives you better planning tools for traffic analysis.